New Moon in Aries & What It Means For Your Star Sign! – Stones of Virtue Skip to content
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New Moon in Aries & What It Means For Your Star Sign!

Find Here: All about the Aries New Moon and how it will affect your sign this month!

So you're wanting to start your manifestation journey in tune with Lunar Cycles or you simply want to know what the next new moon has in store for your sign? Don't worry, we gotchu!

If you didn't already know, there is a New Moon every single month. Each month, the moon moves through its phases, the New Moon, occurs when Earth lines up with the sun. These usually occur 12 times a year, each one in a new astrological sign, and with each sign, comes new aspects that may be brought up at this time for all of us. If you plan your life according to the New Moon, you will find that you're in the flow of life. Connecting with all 12 New Moons will help you to work magic in all parts of life!

Alongside this, as the moon moves through the signs, it also moves into certain houses dependant on your personal sun/rising sign, with every house the new moon is in it will affect each and every one of our reactions to the New Moon differently & what aspects will be major players in our lives for the month. Once you know your sun/rising sign, we will help you to get a stronger idea of what is coming up now in your life, what you may need to work on, and what manifestations you should consider wishing for. 

This Month's New Moon - ARIES!

Aries are spontaneous and courageous. They have a strong sense of adventure, loving to explore. They're great at initiating new project & are extremely bold. They have high energy and can initiate quick actions. 

What does the New Moon in Aries bring? 

If you were unaware - Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. Meaning Aries is all about starting fresh - A clean slate. Now is the perfect time to get into routine! Stop dreaming & start doing! Take action, take the leap.  Now is the perfect time to get back on track!

2. FUN | FUN | FUN 
Life is all about enjoying the ride - right? You may find that as of late, you have not been enjoying that ride so much.. or you're simply just not having as much fun , with the Aries New Moon it's the perfect time to be more spontaneous, make time for fun! The child of the zodiac, Aries it's the perfect time to reconnect with your inner child!

The courageous sign of Aries will help you to rid that shy, timid self & bring out the courage within! It is the perfect time to move forward with whatever situation you are facing with courage - Include it in your manifestation list! Know that you can be bolder with life and work on that. 

What's life without a solid plan? Maybe you don't like planning? Welp, now is the time to get into it! With Aries New Moon, it is the best time for you to make a 12-month plan for the year ahead. In a relationship? Make a plan for you and your partner as a couple, alongside a plan for yourself. If you are single, make a plan for yourself! You can make plans for work, business, or anything else you may be moving towards! Aries energy is great to tune in to to infuse your plans with drive & determination.

Have you sat down for a minute and actually focused on yourself? Taken some time out for self-care, or simply loved yourself? Now is the perfect time for just that! Take a breath, focus on yourself & what you need, where you're going etc. Time for a makeover, for yourself, your business, your room, your wardrobe, anything you!

Okay, so we know about the Aries New Moon's effects on all of us, What about the personal effects of your sun/rising sign and the house it is situated? 



aries, astrology

The New Moon in Aries is in your 1st house - the house of self, self-image, sense of self and the image you project to others. The Universal Law this month is the Law of Divine Openness - connected to life everywhere!

This is one of the most exciting moons, why? Because it's all about you. Keep in mind, this is the start of your new 12-month cycle, you are beginning just to continue. You should expect to receive the chance now to change the way a certain someone, or the world perceives you. During this time, you should wish for a new beginning, a better self-image, courage and self-direction, while manifesting these wishes, we encourage you to visualise yourself looking exactly the way you would please. Self-improvement & self-development is called for, your personal appearance should most definitely be a priority for you during this time.
Take time now to write down/journal your personal strengths and your best qualities, what do you like about yourself?  


taurus, astrology

The New Moon in Aries is in your 12th house - the house of secrets, and your private self. The universal law is the Law of Gender, to truly understand yourself you must live out both your masculine and feminine energies. 

This time is all about relating to your dreams, and to all secrets. Being triggered now is the side of yourself that you don't tell others about, your "secret self" and your unconscious self.  Within this time, you should trust & investigate your dreams, as the moon can now bring a lot to the surface that is worth looking further into . Now is also the perfect time to get in tune with your spiritual side! Partake in yoga and/or meditation now to exercise and calm the body to help you get closer to your inner being. 

This time is the end of a cycle, it is time now to release and let go of what no longer serves you to make room for the new & the better! 



gemini, astrology

The New Moon in Aries is in your 11th House - The house of Friends & Social Networks, alongside your hopes and dreams. The Universal Law this month is the Law of Rhythm, which reminds us that Earth moves in a certain rhythm. In which, these rhythms establish the rhythms of life on Earth; the Moon phases, the seasons, stages of human development and so forth. 

For you this month, Gemini, you have two main focuses. The first, your hopes and dreams. When the sun moves into your 11th House, your wishing powers are supercharged! aka... be extra careful what you are wishing for now, you just might get it!

The second, your friends and the groups/networks that you surround yourself. Are you comfortable/confident within the groups you belong? Are your needs being met? If not, what can you do about it? It is highly likely for you to make some new friends in this period. If they are, reach out, let them know you are thinking of them!



cancer, astrology

The New Moon in Aries is in your 10th House - the house of career and reputation. The Universal Law this month is the Law of Polarity - two opposites of everything on Earth, Polarity represents two extremes of one thing e.g. hot & cold - If you're not happy where you are, move along to where you want to be.

This New Moon in Aries is extremely important for those who are career focuses, as it is all about your professional life. Cancer, this is the perfect time to start that business you've been dreaming of or the time where your efforts at work may be rewarded or recognised. There is an increased chance of promotion during this period, if you've been putting in the work. 

This is the perfect time to think about what you truly want for yourself and your future- are you heading in the direction to achieve your dreams & goals? If not, what can you do to change that? 



leo, astrology

The New Moon in Aries is in your 9th House - the house of Travel, Adventure, and Self-Development. The Universal Law this month is the Law of Relativity - everything just is. There will always be things that people are better than you at, just as you will be better at certain things than others, don't measure yourself up to other people, focus on yourself. 

The 9th House is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion. You can be expanding your mind by talking to well-traveled people, studying or travelling yourself, you have the chance now to broaden your horizons. This time is great for you to get out of the routines and start living life with a bit of freedom. 

This time now is about your faith and beliefs. Have you been a little rigid as of late? Are your childhood lessons impacting you a little more than they should? There is potential now for someone to come into the picture and help/force you to rethink your philosophies. The time is now to accept and implement new knowledge. 



virgo, astrology

The Aries New Moon is in your 8th House - The house of Sex and Shared Finances - it's all about other's money and how it combines with yours. The Universal Law this month is the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy, we all have the power to change the conditions of our lives. You need to push through fear and limiting thoughts, raise your vibration to transform your inner self. 

This is the time to attend to your cash set-up, are you confident that you are on the right track? Can you pay the bills that you know are ahead of you? No? What can you do about it? A perfect time now to seek financial advice, or to do complete some courses or seminars to help you understand financial basics. 

The New Moon in your 8th House is triggering deep, dark and maybe even k**ky s*x. If you have intimacy issues that you know you need to work on, work on them now!  There is no need to justify standing alone, we all have issues we must work through. 



libra, astrology

The New Moon in Aries is in your 7th House - The house of Love and Marriage, relationships, business partnerships, friends and foes. The Universal Law this month is the Law of Attraction, reminding us that like attracts like. We create the events and relationships that come into our lives, you attract what you seek. 

Now is the time to think about all of your relationships. If you are in a relationship, what can you do to renew your love? Do you need to let go of something that is bothering you from the past? Are you confident within your personal love skills? A date night is called for! If you are not in a relationship, and are finding it difficult to meet someone new, consider going on a blind date. If you are finding it difficult to let go of your past, communicate with your ex (if it's comfortable to do so) for closure. The 7th House is all about balance, cooperation and doing what's right. 

This is the perfect time to heal a relationship that is close to you, be open to hearing others out. Truly listen to your loved ones and understand their words. If they don't make sense - act on it. 



scorpio, astrology

The Aries New Moon is in your 6th House - The house of Daily Work & Healthy Routines. The Universal Law this month is the Law of Compensation, whatever we do, it will come back to us. We reap what we sow!

Being triggered now are matters related to the body, the mind and your wellbeing. Have you been looking after yourself? If not, problems may arise in attempt to grab your attention about what needs to be done. 

Aries New Moon is the perfect time to join the gym or get back in to exercise routines you may have let slip away. Have you been a little slack in terms of your personal health? It is now time to pick up the stick and stat again - give up smoking, alter your diet. 

All about beginnings New Moons are the perfect time to consider where we want to be within the next year, use this time now to consider how you want the next 12 months to pan out. 



sagittarius, astrology

The Aries New Moon is in your 5th House - The house of Creativity, Kids and Romance. The Universal Law this month is the Law of Cause and Effect - everything happens for a reason! Nothing happens by chance, every action has a reaction. 

You have 3 main focuses this month, Sag, the first being Creativity. Are you a closet artist? Is there something you've been working on or wanting to release creative wise? This month is the perfect time to work on your skills. 

The second, Romance, it is possible now that you will build some new romances in your life, or old romances could feel brand new if you make the most of the New Moon and look for ways to reignite the flame! If you are closing yourself off from receiving the care you deserve, you are the only one to blame. 

The third, Kids? Your own or someone else's kid are usually a big issue when the New Moon is in the 5th house. 



capricorn, astrology

The New Moon in Aries is in your 4th House - The house of Home & Family, where do you come from? Where is your home? What does Family mean? The Universal Law this month is The Law of correspondence, our outer life is a reflection of our inner life. Our life, world, reality is a mirror of what is going on inside use, if our outer reality is unhappy or messy, that is a reflection of what is happening on the inside. 

All about 'home', what does this mean to you Capricorn? The answer gives a strong idea about that parts in your life that you will need to focus on during this month. The New Moon in the 4th House often signifies a restart in terms of your home life, potentially it is time to move house, someone move in or out of your home, major renovations or decluttering. 

During this time, it is common for family to come to the forefront, in particular your parents could take u more of your time during this period. This may feel exhausting or frustrating, try to be careful with your words and have patience with your opinions.



aquarius, astrology

The Aries New Moon is in your 3rd House - The house of communication - listening and talking and spending time with your siblings. The Universal Law this month is the Law of Action, if you have lots of hopes and dreams, but do nothing, nothing will happen. You need to take action. 

The perfect time to focus on your powers of communication, how well do you get your messages across to others? Are you seeking something that someone else is in position to give you? Do you feel comfortable/confident enough to ask for it? 

It is necessary that we all learn to express ourselves and our desires clearly, and to not expect others to just know what we are after. This time provides you with the chance to start over when it comes to written and spoken communication. This time also signifies more time spent with your brothers or sisters. 



pisces, astrology

The Aries New Moon is in your 2nd House - The house of cash and property, your talents and assets. The Universal Law this month is the Law of Vibration, everything in the known Universe vibrates. Our words, thoughts, feelings and desires are all vibrations too, raising your vibrations will help you to align with the universe. 

This New Moon may help you to start over financially. Take a look now at your assets, what do you have to offer the world? Value yourself and others will follow. This time also calls for you to work on your self-worth and self-esteem. Love yourself!!!! 

How can you find stability in areas related to your income, finances and budgets? Believe in yourself to start will help immensely! The higher you rate yourself, the higher others will rate you. Think about what you really value and what you have to offer the world. 


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